Geaux Tigers!!

To celebrate LSU's win over Texas A&M last night, I thought it appropriate to post the Mike the Tiger cake I made last year.

Mike was probably one of the hardest cakes I've made so far and definitely the largest sculpted cake I've ever made. I knew that I had 3 feet of clearance to get the cake into my backseat for what did I do?? Made it 3 feet, of course!! 
Mike is supported by a pvc pipe structure. I used crispy rice treats for his legs, hands, and head. His entire torso, as well as his feet, were carved from cake. Modelling chocolate was used to form his arms. I used fondant to dress Mike in his uniform. Gumpaste was used for his nails, teeth, and ears. 
I used green royal icing and rice cereal to make the grass on the base and then airbrushed the field lines in white. 
Mike's megaphone is made of pastillage and then decorated with fondant. 
Here are some "in progress" pictures: 

I took Mike to the Capital Confectioner's Cake Club annual cake show last year. He was entered into the sculpted category of the culinary student division and won 1st place!! It really broke my heart to throw him away after the show was over. 

 This annual cake show is coming up at the end of February. If you live in the Austin area, be sure not to miss it. There will be tons of great cakes entered into categories to be judged, from beginners to masters.  It's not too late for you to register a cake either! The entire weekend is full of great demonstrations and classes taught by very famous cake artists. Go to to get all the information! 


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